Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And He Came Back!

So there's more. After Josh had to spend the next day picking up the garbage with the boys, he decided that was enough. We had put pnemonia on top of the bins to kill the smell and that kept it away for a while. But, after the rain washed it off - he was back. This time at 9:30 in the evening, lights on and movie playing we were sitting on the couch and heard the boom. We raced for the flashlight and went back to our places. This time, oh so thankfully we were together, the bear was standing right outside that glass door and peered right back at us. He stood less than five feet away. He was enormous. Enormous, did I say that? Just massive. It was so terrifyingly exciting. He paused only for a moment to see the light, and went right back to his business. He tossed the huge bin like it was stick and proceeded to wrestle it open. It only took Josh a minute to grab his courage and he quickly opened the door a yelled right at it. He said he didn't want to clean all the garbage again. And the bear instantly fled into the forest. Josh went out with a headlamp to pour more pnemonia over it, while I was to keep watch in the direction of the bear. Only, I didn't have a flashlight and was just frantically peering into the darkness. Josh occasionally glanced in the direction with the light, while I stood with the door open freaking out. I guess my noise kept it away. Anyway, it didn't come back again and hasn't since. But, what a great story.

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